About us

The San Carlos Youth Softball Association (SCYSA) offers recreational and competitive fastpitch softball for girls and young women in San Carlos and surrounding communities. The organization was founded in the 1970s as part of Bobby Sox softball and took on its current name in 1989 when it joined the American Softball Association (ASA). In 1990, SCYSA held its first summer tournament, and in 2000 named the tournament in honor of Jan Macpherson, one of the pioneering leaders of the league.
SCYSA is a volunteer organization that is run by volunteers of the athletes who play on its teams. It is governed by a Board of Directors that is elected each June to a 13-month term that runs September 1 through September 30 of the following year. Most of the work of SCYSA is done by various Committees led by parent volunteers.
All parents, coaches, family, friends, and other adults are expected and required to exhibit good sportsmanship and abide by our Code of Conduct at all times.
Each year, SCYSA offers scholarships to one or more alumnae of the league who are graduating high school and continuing their education.

Most practices and games take place at Highlands Park, 206 Aberdeen, San Carlos, CA. On rainy days, the fields will typically be closed to protect players and the turf.
Please call the Highlands Field Hotline at 650-594-2626 to check for cancellations.
To show current and prospective SCYSA participants how much fun softball is, SCYSA representatives and team parents may submit photos illustrating good sportsmanship at games and/or practices to the SCYSA website and/or the SCYSA yearbook. To protect the privacy of all of our children, SCYSA does not permit minors shown in any pictures displayed online to be identified by name in any captions or associated text. Furthermore, SCYSA does not allow images of its players to be used by third parties without their parents’ separate, prior consent. Should your child appear in a photo on the SCYSA website that you are not comfortable having displayed, you may contact SCYSA and the photo will either be removed from the website or edited so that your child cannot be recognized.
You are always welcome, and encouraged, to contact any Board member at any time. Our Player Agent is here specifically to help answer any questions or resolve any concerns.
SCYSA Player Agent
San Carlos Youth Softball Association
P.O. Box 603
San Carlos, CA 94070
Board of Directors
The San Carlos Youth Softball Association (SCYSA) is a volunteer organization run by the parents of the athletes who play on its teams. It is governed by a Board of Directors that is elected each June to a 13-month term that runs September 1 through September 30 of the following year (see Bylaws for details).
The Board usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month and is responsible for the operations of the spring Recreation League and the Force tournament team. Most of the work of SCYSA is done by Committees led by parent volunteers.
Members for 2024-2025 Term
(elected at September 2024 meeting)
Board Positions
Members of the Board of Directors occupy one or more of the following positions:
The President is responsible for overseeing the activities of SCYSA, in particular organizing and presiding over all meetings involving the Board. The President is also required to select committee chairs. The President may vote to either break or create a tie in order to cause or to block the attainment of the necessary majority vote.
The President shall preside at all Board meetings, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall have the general powers and duties of management usually vested in the office of a President of a corporation, and shall have other powers that the Board or Bylaws may prescribe. The President is the principal liaison between SCYSA and The San Carlos School Board, Tierra Linda School, San Carlos Park & Recreation Department, San Carlos “Athletic Sites Advisory Council (ASAC)”, San Carlos City Council, Peninsula ASA, Peninsula ASA 14’s League, and the Peninsula Officials Association, and other organizations, as needed. In matters of protests, and discipline, the President shall rule, and act, with guidance of the Board.
Congratulations Bob Bollier!!!
Mayor of San Carlos, Adam Rak presented City coins to community volunteers and recognized their years of service. Not only is Bob the president of the San Carlos Youth Softball Association, he is a Parks and Recreation Commissioner, an assistant director for Tournament for Tots, and more! Thanks again for your dedication.
By Laws
Positive Coaching Alliance: https://positivecoach.org/
ACE training: https://registerusasoftball.com/Content/Files/How%20To%20Take%20An%20ACE%20Education%20Test.pdf
Coaching links:
Code of conduct for adults at all SCYSA activities
I pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for my child’s participation in fastpitch softball by following the San Carlos Youth Softball Association (SCYSA) Code of Conduct for Adults.
As a supportive parent:
- I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, managers, and other officials at every game, practice or other event.
- I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child and other children present ahead of my personal desire to win.
- I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.
- I will support coaches, managers and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
- I will do my best to make softball fun for my child and her teammates.
- I will treat other players, coaches, managers, fans and umpires with respect, regardless of race, gender or ability.
- I will remember the game is for children – not adults.
- I will do my best to help others abide by this Code of Conduct.
Violators will be subject to the following consequences:
- A verbal warning from SCYSA requiring a written letter of apology from the offending individual.
- Banishment of the offending person from all further practices and games for a period determined by SCYSA.
- Removal of child from SCYSA without refund.

Monday - Friday:
Field Hotline at 650-802-4333.
Saturday and Sunday
and weekdays after 5pm:
(650) 399-4470 for field status updates.